Today, I am passionately sharing Awakened Mother Program with you to equip you with the tools I used to help me to deeply heal and awaken to presence, my personal power, and joy.
I look forward to holding compassionate and loving space during our sessions together.
As a kid, whenever someone would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, I was would say: "I want to be a mother." I thought being a mother would be easy and joyful just because it’s something I always wanted. I didn’t realize how hard it actually was emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I wanted to show up for my son differently then how I grew up. I wanted to show up where I was able to enjoy and connect with him on a deep level. I struggled to do this right away because I needed to heal and mother parts of myself that didn’t get the love they needed, rewire the default patterns of how I reacted when hard emotions came up, tap into how I truly wanted to live and mother and that looked a lot different then what I saw in the past and in our society.
I’m here to walk with you on your epic human journey. Let’s redefine what your journey looks and feels like.
Let everything you’ve been through and heal from be the catalyst to be the best version of yourself for you, your family, and your community.
Let’s connect, heal, and embody.
Why I love helping people heal…
Every humans innate state is of love, joy, and peace. Most of us have lost touch with this because of growing up in our modern world where there is a lot asked of us, trauma, busyness, stress, working so much, and all the distractions. When we can get ourselves here in the present moment by being in our feeling body we can shift and embody the innate state of peace, love, and joy most of the time.
Many of us have had trauma or stressors that cause us to have a disregulated nervous system where we can’t get back to a neutral or calm state. We are running from our fight or flight, stressed out mode and can’t relax. Processing old feelings and experiences, rewiring our thinking, being aware of patterns and changing them can bring us to a new way of being where we move from a more calm, peaceful, and joyful state.
Most of the time if we aren’t aware of our patterns, traumas, and pain and haven’t healed from them, we are living our life through the filter of these experiences. This causes us to not be in the present moment to what truly is here, causes us not able to have connected relationships with ourself or others, and we continually project this pain onto other people or experiences which causes your continual suffering.
Ancesteral healing: I believe that us mothers and women can truly change the world for our children. I believe if we do the inner work we can show up for our children with presence moving from our hearts and body wisdom rather than our minds.